Jade Plant

HEIGHT (INC. POT) 20-30cm

Jade Plant - Crassula Ovata
With lots of glossy green round leaves, the Jade Plant is a stunning succulent which can brighten up any spot. Otherwise known as the money plant or friendship plant, this houseplant is said to bring good fortune and prosperity to its owner, making it a perfect housewarming gift.

Native to southern Africa, the Jade Plant is a slow grower but can reach an impressive 2 meters in height in the wild.

Unsurprisingly, as a succulent, the Jade Plant is incredibly easy to care for and very hardy. It does enjoy bright light and can even handle a little occasional direct sun, so make sure to find it a bright spot to sit in. It stores water in its fleshy leaves, so you won't need to worry about watering too often. Just make sure its soil is well-drained and don't let its roots get water-logged.

Decorative pot not included.